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Business Systems and Analytics, Certificate

Program Description

Business Systems & Analytics (BSA) is the process of transforming data into insights for informed business decision making. Data management, data visualization, predictive modeling, data mining, forecasting, business application programming and modeling, simulation, and optimization are some of the methodologies used in business analytics to create insights from data. The MS program in BSA is designed to reflect an interdisciplinary play between the business analytics fields of Statistics, Operations Research, and Information Systems; and the functional business fields of Accounting, Finance, and Marketing. The program provides students with a practical and theoretical understanding of the latest business analytics tools and technologies for effective and informed problem-solving and decision-making. The emphasis across required MS courses in BSA is on problem formulation, modeling, solution, visualization, and interpretation, and communication of analytical results, as well as the sound application of analytic frameworks and technologies.

The M.S. program is structured in a Hybrid and Online format which allows working professionals greater flexibility and convenience as they move through the program. Courses are delivered in mix of hybrid and fully online courses.

  • The hybrid courses are 50% online and 50% in the classroom. By leveraging the latest teaching and learning technologies, the educational experience reflects the ways in which companies operate today. This new approach creates an effective educational experience for working professionals attending as part time students.
  • The fully online courses provide working professionals with greater flexibility and convenience as they move through the program. We have developed a learning experience that leverages the latest teaching and learning technologies to deliver an environment to deepen our students’ understanding of business and markets, and improve their decision making skills. With the Lasallian emphasis on the value and impact of personalized interactions among professors and classmates, our students are fully engaged in their education.

School of Business' Mission

The School of Business (LSB) is committed to La Salle University’s principle that all knowledge is practical and empowering, filled with the ability to transform lives. By integrating liberal arts with professional studies, we strive to mold our students into future, results-driven business leaders. Our curriculum and faculty scholarship are predicated upon experiential and engaged learning with an emphasis on fostering curiosity, critical thinking, innovation, and social responsibility. LSB graduates will promote effective, accountable, and inclusive organizations that honor just and equitable practices with a global perspective.

Master of Science in Business Systems and Analytics' Program Mission

The mission of the BSA program is to advance knowledge and promote the use of business analytics and data science for informed and effective problem-solving and decision-making. Through its faculty, curriculum, students, department-sponsored activities, and partnerships with the alumni and business community, the BSA major seeks to provide a value-added experience for students by communicating and demonstrating the importance of and the need for information business analytics and data science knowledge and skills in the workplace.

Program Goals

The goal of the BSA program is to advance student knowledge, skills, and competency in developing business analytics and data science solutions that can improve productivity and business performance. In today’s information age, professionals entering the marketplace require specialized training and education in problem-solving, creative thinking, analytical skills, organizational skills, technology skills, and communication skills. The BSA program and faculty are committed to developing these competencies through educational and extra-curricular activities.

Program Specific Information

Business education has been part of the La Salle curriculum since its founding in 1863. The School of Business, one of three schools in the University, was established in 1955, and its MBA program began in 1976. As a business school in a Catholic, Lasallian University, students are taught fundamental business knowledge and skills within an ethical framework which emphasizes the primacy and value of human dignity.

STEM Designation

The MS program in BSA meets the requirements of what the Department of Homeland Security considers to be a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) field of study. International students who graduate from these programs may be eligible to apply for a 24-month OPT extension.